Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees supports the work of the Dental Health Foundation and provides mission-based leadership and strategic governance.

Dr. Mary Coleman (Chair), B.D.S., M.D.P.H.

Dr. Patrick Crotty, B.Dent.Sc., F.D.S., R.C.S. (Edin)

Professor Máiréad Harding, B.D.S., M.D.P.H., Ph.D. M.F.G.D.P. (U.K.),  F.D.S. R.C.P.S.(Glasg.), P.G.Dip.T.L.H.E.

Dr. Pádraig Creedon, BDS, MPH (NUI).

Professor Brian O'Connell, BDS, PhD, FACP, FTCD

Dr. Paul O'Dwyer, BDS MSc

Dr Anne Twomey, BDS MSc

Mr Niall Downey, ACCA, BSc (Mgt)