Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the last of the molars that most people get during their late teens to early twenties. If wisdom teeth come through correctly, they can help you to chew your food. However, if they come through in the wrong position and push into the gum or into the tooth beside them (impacted) problems can occur. This is because food and bacteria get trapped between the wisdom tooth and the tooth beside it. It increases the risk of tooth decay or inflammation of the gum tissue around your wisdom teeth (Pericoronitis). This can happen when a tooth is still partially impacted. Pericoronitis symptoms range from mild to severe and may include bad breath, infection (pus), and a swollen fact. Left untreated, pericoronitis can be dangerous.

It is important to clean your wisdom teeth well and to floss/use interdental brushes as well as visiting the dentist regularly who can keep any eye on them for you.

If you have unhealthy wisdom teeth your dentist will advise you what to do and may recommend that you have them extracted.