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World Diabetes Day 14th November - Launch of Diabetes & Oral Health Card

12 November 2021

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Looking after your oral health is important at any time but did you know that it is especially important to do so if you are a person with Diabetes?

The Dental Health Foundation is increasing public awareness of the links between diabetes and gum disease (gingivitis), and the health problems associated with it for World Diabetes Day 14th November.

There is a significant body of evidence that shows a link between diabetes and gum disease, which is the most common dental disease affecting those with poorly managed diabetes. There are two types of gum disease, gingivitis causes redness and swelling of the gums. If this is neglected it may advance to the more serious periodontal disease - a chronic inflammatory disease which can destroy the gum tissue and the bone supporting the teeth, leading to wobbly teeth and tooth loss. This inflammation makes it more difficult to control diabetes as it may raise blood glucose levels. Additionally, people with diabetes are at a higher risk of gum disease because of poor blood glucose control.

Research suggests that treating gum disease can help improve blood glucose control in patients with diabetes and slow down the progression of the disease. Practicing good oral hygiene and regular professional cleaning can also help to control blood glucose levels which will help the body fight any bacterial and fungal infections (thrush) in the mouth and help to relieve dry mouth, a common symptom of diabetes. 

Mr Arthur O’Malley, Dublin says ‘as a 72-year-old male with Type 1 Diabetes for almost 50 years, I can attest to all of the problems mentioned in this article. I first became aware of gum disease in my mid-thirties after my dentist referred me to a periodontist as an alternative to extractions. I underwent upper and lower flap-flap surgery which included some bone grafting. My condition was mainly due to poor oral hygiene exacerbated by diabetes. In the following ten years I began losing my teeth and I had a Maryland Bridge (lower front) and upper partial denture fitted. In my mid-fifties I had most of my remaining teeth extracted for upper implants with a bar supporting a full denture and I also have a lower denture. During my early years as a diabetic (25 – 35) my control was poor, which I’m sure was a factor in my gum disease, but the main reason was poor oral hygiene’.

The latest research on links between gum disease and diabetes shows how important it is to have healthy gums. A healthy mouth is an important part of good overall health and incorporating the following into your daily routine is a good start.

Toothbrushing One of the first symptoms of gum disease that you may experience is bleeding gums. Healthy gums don't bleed after brushing your teeth. If your gums bleed, don’t stop brushing your teeth, as it could be a sign of early gum disease, but make sure to let your dentist know. Use a soft-headed toothbrush and brush your teeth gently twice daily at bedtime and one other time for 2-3 minutes using fluoride toothpaste (1450 ppm) which helps to protect your tooth enamel. Spit out toothpaste, don’t rinse after brushing, as this will wash the fluoride off your teeth. Replace the brush every 3-4 months as worn bristles are not effective at removing the plaque from your teeth. Also remember to floss daily or use interdental brushes to reduce plaque build-up between your teeth and under your gumline. Make sure to ask your dental team for advice on the correct technique so that you don’t damage your gums.

Diet Having a healthy diet is an important part of good oral health and in managing your blood glucose levels, so make healthy food choices and eat lots of fruit and vegetables which are both tooth friendly and diabetes friendly. Follow the advice of your doctor/dietitian/diabetes team.

Diabetes Ireland are happy to support this Dental Health Ireland awareness campaign for World Diabetes Day. There are over 200,000 people living with diabetes in Ireland, it is not an easy condition to live with, but plenty can be done to support self-management and better blood glucose control to live a long and healthy life. Evidence shows that keeping blood glucose levels stable and looking after your oral health can help prevent gum disease’ – Sinéad Powell, Senior Dietitian, Diabetes Ireland.

Hydration and Dry Mouth Some people with diabetes also experience a lack of saliva, a condition known as dry mouth, which can be caused by high blood glucose or some medication.  Without saliva to keep your mouth moist and help protect your teeth, you could be at risk of tooth decay, gum disease and thrush.

Stay well hydrated with water, sipping it or using saliva substitutes can help relieve dry mouth. Chewing sugar free gum can increase saliva production. Avoid sucking sweets or drinking sweet drinks as these can cause tooth decay (unless treating an episode of Hypoglycaemia <4.0mmol/L).

Thrush and Diabetes People with diabetes may be more likely to develop oral infections such as thrush, which is a fungal infection caused by the yeast Candida albicans. Signs of thrush include painful white or red patches inside your mouth. Risk factors for Thrush are high blood pressure, and high glucose levels, ill-fitting dentures and frequent antibiotic usage. Practicing good oral hygiene can help you avoid thrush and talk to your G.P. or Dentist for advice.

Smoking increases your risk of serious diabetes complications, including gum disease and loss of your teeth. It also increases your risk of mouth cancer, bad breath, stained teeth and cardiovascular disease. If you smoke, ask your dentist or doctor for advice to help you quit.

Visit your dentist it is important if you are a person with diabetes to visit your dental team for regular check-ups and cleanings, every 6-12 months, they can give you a deep cleaning if required. Always advise your dentist that you have diabetes.

Orlaith Kennedy, Chief Executive, Dental Health Foundation adds that ‘The health benefits of good oral health are immense; getting everyone actively involved in looking after their oral health from an early age reduces their level of both oral and general ill-health as an adult. We encourage anyone with diabetes to remember, by incorporating oral health as part of your daily diabetes care and by controlling periodontal disease it may improve diabetic control and improve your quality of life’.

Help prevent damage to your teeth and gums, take diabetes and oral hygiene seriously. To help you along the way the Dental Health Foundation, is launching its ‘Diabetes and Oral Health’ postcard for adults for World Diabetes Day. You can download it HERE for free or order it from our website. 

The Dental Health Foundation is delighted to be taking such a positive step to improve the oral health of people with diabetes in Ireland. We can all make a real difference in promoting good oral health and well-being. Check out our website for lots more information and advice at

Diabetes Ireland have lots of supports for people living with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes and their families. See  or call them on 01 8428118.